Changing the sword also gave me the opportunity to 'correct' his stance and the angle of the blade a little. I went with the one with the Inquisitorial =I= symbol carved in. My champ just needed a Nemesis Force Sword to be his Annointed Blade. Crowe wields a daemon sword that he keeps under lock and key with his purifier powers. I already knew that I wanted to replace the weirdly plain - other than the flappy flag - back banner pack with one of the fancier plastic GK ones. I fancied an old school metal Crowe for my champion so Ebay provided a preloved one. Left image © Games Workshop used for illustration
Instead I decided that Castellan Crowe would be an excellent stand in, with a few modifications:
Grey Knight characters are somewhat few and far between, there isn't even a Brotherhood Champion model. As far as model options go, there really wasn't all that many on offer.